Saturday, July 18, 2009

Gross Pink Mattress Edging Out Gazebo as Town Symbol

The old smelly pink mattress that has been sitting out for weeks on Old Westborough Road is close to becoming a new town symbol for Grafton. The Grafton News and are considering changing the gazebo logo to a dirty pink mattress. "Recently, when people think of Grafton, they think -- disgusting mattress" says one editor.

The Board of Selectmen say that while the stinky mattress doesn't represent the history and quaintness of Grafton, it does represent how unhappy residents are over recent trash fees. The TA recommended replacing the Gazebo with the mattress temporarily to show residents that town officials are listening


  1. It's a BANDSTAND, not a gazebo!!!

  2. The comment above was clearly posted by a trumpet player...

  3. ...and who's going to break it to the organizers of the Gazebo Road Race?

  4. The Bandstand Correctness Committee intends to outbid everyone and win the (new) contract for advertising on the Grafton PAYT trash bags - people will be reading about the "It's A Bandstand" Bicycle Race on every street corner!


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