Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Recycling Committee holds Town Garage Sale suspiciously close to “Clean Out Day”

After an overwhelming amount of junk was dropped on town officials on Saturday, they needed to act quickly. Someone came up with a great idea: “Forget about PAYT, let’s sell junk back to the residents!” That set in motion a secret plan to have a giant town junk sale. Mysterious “Garage Sale” signs were seen around the town directing people to the High School lot again on Sunday.
The plan fell short of expectations according to an inside source. The town made about $40 dollars on the venture and said it was going to use the proceeds alleviate the cost of PAYT bags. That amounted to about 4/10ths of a penny per bag for 1 week. Because it’s difficult to charge penny fractions, they decided to reduce the cost by a full penny and take the hit for the taxpayers.


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  2. Resource for recyclers - free search for local recycling centers and green news


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