Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Grafton News sticks tongue out at Grafton Times

In a fight for subscribers and advertising revenue, the Grafton News stooped to a new low. It stuck its tongue out at the other news source in town. Things turned ugly after a slap fight escalated to a round of “did not, did toos”. The Community Advocate finally broke things up by sending them to their rooms to think about their actions.


  1. You really do need a 'Kay Whynot' feature to complain about:
    McMansions, SUV's, Democrats, Republicans, Socialists, Communists, Libertarians, Soccer Moms, Soccer Dads, Johnny and Suzie NASCAR Drivers, the TA, the BOS, the janitors, the schools, the lights at the school, the weather, MASSPIKE, UMASS, Nancy Pelosi, Youth, Old age, Middle age.

    But not spelling or grammar!

  2. I agree. And nice summary of KW's rant topics.

  3. Only one has to lick stamps however & the clock ticking fact on all rags in country! So why not put the tongues of both to good work & provide the town & ex towners good local news. Figure out how to get revenue to support it. The seniors may be a good source of local news & photos not really used sufficiently yet.

  4. this is the stupidest website ever.....


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