Friday, June 11, 2010

Superintendent Demands Larger Office to Hold Oversized Check

The celebration after State Treasurer Tim Cahill presented a $36,583,271 check for Grafton's new school was short-lived. School Superintendent Connors used the occasion to publicly demand a larger office. "I'm going to need a HUGE filing cabinet to keep a check of this size...and where am I supposed to sit then?" he said. He argued that if banks get funds to buy gigantic processing equipment to cash big cardboard checks, then the School Department should be able to get some resources. One of the Selectman asked him to "suck it up" and try bending the check to make it fit into the existing file cabinets. He wasn't happy with the response but said he could live live with it temporarily.

1 comment:

  1. Why, of course we need larger offices, more buildings, more more more.
    After all, the Police have their palace (with a mtg room and exercise facilities that only police can use); Fire has their own new 3rd station, with space that only the Fire Dept can use (and not the Ambulance company); The high school kiddies will have their own $70M building that will surely enhance learning; and the School Central Office will get their new digs at the Muni Center all spiffed up at the cost of several hundred thousand dollars.
    So, of course, the TA should get a much bigger office. All of this would be very funny, if it were not so sad.


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