Monday, August 17, 2009 reports that “U 1st Safely” campaign could be a Hoax

An article on (which uncovers media hoaxes) confirmed that the Grafton News “U 1st Safely” driver courtesy campaign must be a hoax. The campaign is intended to make the town a nicer place by encouraging drivers to let cars pull out ahead of them when there is heavy traffic on Route 140. “There is no way that this could be real” says Snopes Junior Researcher Justin Kupper originally from Upton, MA. “I mean come on, we all know what happens when we stop on 140. The car behind us gets impatient, hits the gas and passes on the right.” He speculates that if this were a real story, it could cause a rash of serious accidents. But Kupper gives the Grafton News the benefit of the doubt. He says “ even if it turns out to be a true story, I’m sure the newspaper has good intentions for the community…but maybe went from brainstorming in the break room to execution a bit too quickly?”


  1. Wow. Cool decoration. Where can I get one of those?

  2. I heard that there is another campaign called "Me 1st, Selfishly"...I think that one is more the reality. I guess if your not participating in one then it must be the other, by default.

  3. "Me 1st Selfishly" rocks.

    The car band-aid was custom made but you can find smaller ones by googling "car band-aid". But who knows, maybe the Gnews will use this as their sticker and it will start showing up where they sell PAYT bags.


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