Monday, November 23, 2009

Grafton Speaks: What did you think about switching back to free subscriptions?

R. Rabinowitz - Golfball Salesman
The letter from them was so sincere about wanting to serve the community.  I think it mentioned how they lost ad revenue because they had less subscribers willing to pay - right?  I'm sure it did, wait, let me read it again.

S. Raphael- Stay at Home Grammy
Typical media.  They wine and dine you with content then make you pay dutch. And when you finally leave them, they come groveling back saying they have changed. But they are so darn cute, you end up taking them right back.

B. Little - Consultant
They totally had me sold on the 7 cents a day thing. I actually stopped donating to a homeless child in Africa to pay for my news. Now, thanks to their change of heart, I can help someone in need.


  1. Ha!
    Yeah, when I posted a comment and asked if I would be spared all the gratuitous advertising for my $26 paid subscription, the comment was never posted by the moderator.

    Imagine that!?

  2. Just get what you pay for!


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