Sunday, November 29, 2009

Local Woman Throws out Leftover Turkey to Protest Cruel Treatment of Poultry

After eating a huge turkey dinner with stuffing, cranberry gelatin and bean casserole, June Jensen felt guilty. “I’ve read that turkey chicks never see their mothers, are raised in the dark in tiny crates, and are fattened to the point where they can barely walk,” she said. To protest this cruel treatment, Jensen then threw out threw a 2 lb bag of mostly dark meat turkey. “It’s a small gesture, but maybe that is how change can start,” she added. For her upcoming Holiday buffet, Jensen is planning to throw out her roast, ham and chicken leftovers before they hit the fridge. “Enough is enough,” she said.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Grafton Speaks: What did you think about switching back to free subscriptions?

R. Rabinowitz - Golfball Salesman
The letter from them was so sincere about wanting to serve the community.  I think it mentioned how they lost ad revenue because they had less subscribers willing to pay - right?  I'm sure it did, wait, let me read it again.

S. Raphael- Stay at Home Grammy
Typical media.  They wine and dine you with content then make you pay dutch. And when you finally leave them, they come groveling back saying they have changed. But they are so darn cute, you end up taking them right back.

B. Little - Consultant
They totally had me sold on the 7 cents a day thing. I actually stopped donating to a homeless child in Africa to pay for my news. Now, thanks to their change of heart, I can help someone in need.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Alien Sighting Increase After Cotton Calls Grafton "Best Town in Universe"

Since last week, when Selectwoman Cotton upgraded Grafton from "Best Town in the World" to "Best Town in the Universe," police logs show a spike in alien/UFO calls.   Resident Mary Contraire reported an unnaturally bright "electronic looking" flashing light on Rte 140.  "Maybe the lights are aliens who want to move here after hearing how great our town is" she said.  Others think that perhaps aliens may be looking to sabotage the community and demote Grafton back to #1 in the world.  "Recent negative events like swine flu outbreak, business closings and vague school superintendent goals point to something a bit more sinister" says another selectman.  Local contractor Bill Derr spotted a suspicious looking figure wearing a building inspector hat and badge.   "Has to be alien in disguise," he says.  Insiders say the TA is optimistic about the sightings and sees aliens as an untapped revenue source for the town.
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