Wednesday, July 1, 2009

BOS say "Global Warming" too pleasant sounding. They recommend “Skin Searing Fireball of Death.”

After the most ambitious climate-change legislation ever introduced in Congress passed this week, the Board of Selectman got caught up in the moment and announced that the term “Global Warming” is too namby-pamby for our town. “It sounds like a nice cup of hot chocolate after a walk in the snow” said a female Selectman who wished to remain anonymous. “We need something that really captures the attention of the town and the nation.” Under consideration are “Worldwide Scorching”, “Skin Searing Fireball of Death”, “Doomed Planet” and “Your Grandkids Will Die.” After the BOS pick the winning name, they will open it up to a town meeting vote and then go with the name they picked anyway.


  1. Ah yes...the BOS.
    Bet they will find a way to tag a tax on this one.
    Oh is not a tax, it is "revenue".
    Revenue for whom?
    Grumble, grumble.

  2. revenue,tax.... Potato,Potahto


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