Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Building Inspector Nervous as Budget Cuts Threaten to Leave Him With...Um...One Full Time Job

When the Town Administrator initially proposed cutting the Inspector job to part time, a chill went down the Building Inspector's spine. “That would leave me with only 2 part-time inspector jobs!” he complained into Dunkin’s drive-thru microphone. A Garlic reporter who moonlights at Dunkins jumped on the opportunity to ask how he manages a full-time job in Grafton and a part-time job in Northborough. He replied, “The Nobo job is pretty easy since it’s what I did for many years. The Grafton job is a bit trickier because I know just enough about building codes to be dangerous, but a hell of lot more than the average moron homeowner… wait…did I say that out loud?” The interview ended abruptly as he peeled out of the parking lot leaving his Dunkaccino and coveted "FAIL" stamp behind.
The Grafton Garlic
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